開始 BOUML (Starting)
詳細說明就請看這篇的介紹吧,(Multi users considerations).
* 設定說明檔的路徑,也就是Manual path這個,客倌可以上BOUML的官方網站去下載說明檔,並且下載完畢之後再這個選項中設定說明檔路徑,現在可以不用說沒關係,可以之後再設定。
* 字元集設定,也就是Character set這個選項,要設定成Big5,否則會無法顯示中文。
之後如果要想再設定環境變數,可以在「最上面選單中的Miscellaneous->set environment中設定」。
(When you execute BOUML for the first time the environment dialog is shown, you must enter an own identifier (Multi users considerations). The other information are optional but it is recommended to specify a default screen in case you have a multiple screen configuration, and a character set if you want to use non latin1 characters.)
After this annoyance you may use BOUML, open an already created project, or create a new one.
* 左邊的瀏覽子視窗:是顯示專案內容,可以用滑鼠或是鍵盤來瀏覽。粗體是表示有變更過內容(不過不知道是不是作業系統不同的關係,我在ubuntu底下這個視窗的文字都是粗體,所以我也看不出來那個是有變更過、那個沒有 @@)。只要設將檔案寫的權限取消,項目就可以設定成唯讀,詳細請見 (project files)。系統項目提供的 plug-out 的 API(實體UmlBaseActor)也是唯讀。
* 右下方的子視窗:是用來顯示項目註解,客倌可以在這邊寫下關於項目的註解。
* 右上方的子視窗:這部份就是重點啦,所有要編輯的圖形都在這邊。這裡的視窗也可以放大和縮小。
The bouml window is composed of three parts :
The left sub-window display a browser presenting your project, the navigation may be done by the mouse or the keyboard's arrows. The bold font is used when an item is modifiable, an item is read-only when you do not have the write permission for the file(s) supporting it (see project files). Thesystem items supporting the plug-out's API (for instance UmlBaseActor) are also read-only.
The bottom-right sub-window is used to display/modify the comment associated to the current selected item.
The top-right part is used to display/modify the diagrams, these ones may be maximized or minimized.
Project creation
A project creation is done through the entry new of the project menu.
When you create a new project, a file dialog appears (its aspect depend on the used system and window manager) and you have to select the directory where the project will be placed and its name, for instance in /tmp (probably just for a trial !) with the name foo.
如果打開/tmp的資料夾,就能看見底下的內容,其中foo.prj就是我們新增的專案,詳細請參考 project files
In this case BOUML create the directory foo under /tmp, and place some files in /tmp/foo including foo.prj which represents the project (see project files) :
Do not rename or delete the files produced by BOUML nor the directory itself !
Project loading
You may associate a .prj file to bouml using your window manager capabilities, call bouml through a command line given the .prj file (see project files) in argument, or launch bouml then load a project using the project menu or the open icon, or the historic (the historic is saved in the file .bouml placed on your home directory) :